Workshops :

1. Master The Python Interview 1-Day workshop Know More | 2.One Day Workshop - Python Project (Learn how to approach programming) Know More | 3. The Extraordinary Python Coder - Workshop Know More | 4. Artificial Intelligence for Everyone Know More | 5. Data Analytics for Solving Business Problems Know More | 6. Machine Learning for Predictive Analytics Know More

Python Full Stack


New Batches Starts For Python Core Advanced Training From November

New Batches Starts For Python Core Advanced Training From November

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Python Full Stack

This Python course assists users in mastering AI and machine learning technologies, as well as updating their abilities and understanding these languages. This Python training covers the fundamentals of Python, data operations, conditional expressions, shell scripting, and Django. This Python course will provide you with hands-on programming experience and prepare you for a lucrative career as a Python programmer

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Python Course Contents – Module I

Python Programming – Essentials

Section 1

Introduction to Python
Why Python as a first programming language?
Types of Python applications
What is source code?
How Python compiles and runs source code
Disk storage and main memory working together


Section 2

How to use IDLE to develop programs
How to use the interactive shell
How to work with source files
How to compile and run a program
How to fix syntax and runtime errors

Section 3

Introduction to Python coding
Coding statements
Coding comments
Using functions
Working with data types and variables
Assigning values to variables
Naming variables
Working with numeric data
Coding arithmetic expressions
Using arithmetic expressions in assignment statements
Using the interactive shell for testing numeric operations

Section 4

Working with string data
Assigning strings to variables
Joining strings
Including special characters in strings
Using the interactive shell for testing string operations
Five basic Python functions
Using the print(), input(), int(), float(), round() functions
Chaining functions


Section 5

Boolean expressions
Relational operators
Logical operators
Comparing strings

Section 6

Selection structure
if statements
Nested if statements

Section 7 & 8

Iteration structure
while statements
for statements
break and continue statements

Section 12 & 13

Testing and debugging
The three types of errors that can occur
Common Python errors
Four techniques for testing and debugging
Planning the test runs
A simple way to trace code execution
Using top-down coding and testing to simplify debugging
Using the IDLE shell to test functions
Use the IDLE debugger
Set and remove breakpoints
Step through the code
How to view the stack

Section 13, 14 & 15

Basic of lists
Create a list
Get and set list items
Add and remove list items
Process the items in a list
Pass lists to functions
The list of lists
Create a list of lists
Process the items in a list of lists
More about lists
Count, reverse, and sort the items in a list
Using other functions with lists
Copy, slice, and concatenate lists
The tuples
Create a tuple
Get items from a tuple

Section 16 & 17

Intro to file I/O
How file I/O works
Open and close a file
Using text files
Write a text file
Read a text file
Work with a list in a text file
Using CSV files
Write a CSV file
Read a CSV file
Modify the CSV format
Using binary files
Working with a binary file

Section 18 & 19

Handle a single exception
How exceptions work
Using a try statement to handle one type of exception
Expanded contents
Handle multiple exceptions
Using a try statement to handle multiple exceptions
Get the information from an exception object
Two more skills
Using a finally clause
Raise an exception

Advanced Topics

Section 20 & 21

Basics of working with numbers
How floating-point numbers work
Using the math module
Format numbers
Using the format() method of a string
Using the locale module
Fixing rounding errors
Working with decimal numbers
Using the decimal module

Section 22

Basics for working with strings
Unicode, indexes, slicing, duplicating, and multiline strings
Search a string
Looping through the characters in a string
Using basic string methods
Find and replace parts of a string
Split and join strings
Split a string into a list of strings
Joining strings

Section 23 & 24

Getting started with dates and times
Create date, time, and datetime objects
Create datetime objects by parsing strings
Format dates and times
Working with spans of time
More about working with dates and times
Getting date and time parts
Compare date/time objects

Section 25

Getting started with dictionaries
Create a dictionary
Get, set, and add items
Delete items
Looping through keys and values
Convert between dictionaries and lists
More about dictionaries
Using dictionaries with complex objects as values

Advanced Topics

Section 26 & 27

Intro to classes and objects
Create and use objects
Define a class
Code a constructor and attributes
Code methods
Working with object composition
How object composition works
Working with encapsulation
How object encapsulation works
How to hide attributes
How to access hidden attributes with methods
How to access hidden attributes with properties

Section 28 & 29

Working with inheritance
How inheritance works
Define a subclass
How polymorphism works
Check an object’s type
Overriding object methods
Define a string representation for an object
Define an iterator for an object
More about Inheritance
Working with custom exceptions
Using inheritance

Database and GUI programming

Section 28 & 29

Working with inheritance
How inheritance works
Define a subclass
How polymorphism works
Check an object’s type
Overriding object methods
Define a string representation for an object
Define an iterator for an object
More about Inheritance
Working with custom exceptions
Using inheritance

Section 32 & 33

How to create a GUI that handles an event
How to display a root window
How to work with frames and buttons
How to handle a button click event
More skills for working with components
How to work with labels and text entry fields
How to lay out components in a grid
How to code a class that defines a frame


Django – Module II

Topic 1: Introduction

What is Django

Scaffolding a Django Project and App

Model View Template




Introduction to HTTP

Processing a Request

Django Project

A Directory & Django Development Server

Django Apps

View Details

URL Mapping Detail

GET, POST, and QueryDict Objects

Django Settings & Using Settings in the Code

Finding HTML Templates in App Directories

The render Function for rendering a Template

Rendering Variables in Templates

Debugging and Handling Errors

Topic 2: Models and Migrations



Relational & Non-Relational

Database Operations

Data Types

SQL CRUD Operations

Create Operations

Read Operations

Update Operations

Delete Operations

Django ORM

Database Configuration and Creating Django Applications

Django Apps

Django Migration

Creating Django Models and Migrations

Field Types

Field Options

Primary Keys

Relationships: Many to One

Many to Many

One-to-One Relationships

Adding the Review Model

Model Methods

Migrating the Reviews App

Django's Database CRUD Operations

Creating an Object with a Foreign Key

The add() Method

The create() and set() Methods for Many-to-Many Relationships

Read Operations

Returning an Object Using the get() Method

Retrieving Objects by Filtering

Filtering by Field Lookups

Using Pattern Matching for Filtering Operations

Retrieving Objects by Excluding

Retrieving Objects Using the order_by() Method

Querying: Across Relationships, Using Foreign Keys, Using Model Name, and Across Foreign Key Relationships Using the Object Instance

Populating the Bookr Project's Database

Topic 3: URL Mapping, Views, and Templates


Function-Based Views

Class-Based Views

URL Configuration


Django Template Language: Template Variables, Template Tags, Comments, and Filters

Template Inheritance, and Template Styling with Bootstrap

Topic 4: Introduction to Django Admin


Creating a Superuser Account

CRUD Operations Using the Django Admin App: Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete, and Users and Groups

Registering the Reviews Model

Change Lists

The Publisher Change Page

The Book Change Page

Customizing the Admin Interface

Site-Wide Django Admin Customizations

Examining the AdminSite object from the Python Shell

Customizing the ModelAdmin Classes

The Search Bar

Excluding and Grouping Fields

Topic 5: Serving Static Files


Static File Serving

Introduction to Static File Finders

Static File Finders: Use During a Request


Static File Namespacing

Generating Static URLs with the static Template Tag


Static File Finders: Use During collectstatic


The findstatic Command

Serving the Latest Files (for Cache Invalidation)

Custom Storage Engines

Topic 6: Forms


What Is a Form?

The <form> Element

Types of Inputs

Form Security with Cross-Site Request Forgery Protection

Accessing Data in the View

Choosing between GET and POST

Why Use GET When We Can Put Parameters in the URL?

The Django Forms Library

Defining a Form

Rendering a Form in a Template

Validating Forms and Retrieving Python Values

Built-In Field Validation

Topic 7: Advanced Form Validation and Model Forms


Custom Field Validation and Cleaning

Custom Validators

Cleaning Methods

Multi-Field Validation

Placeholders and Initial Values

Creating or Editing Django Models

The ModelForm Class

Topic 8: Media Serving and File Uploads


Settings for Media Uploads and Serving

Serving Media Files in Development

Context Processors and Using MEDIA_URL in Templates

File Uploads Using HTML Forms

Working with Uploaded Files in a View

File Uploads with Django Forms

Image Uploads with Django Forms

Resizing an Image with Pillow

Serving Uploaded (and Other) Files Using Django

Storing Files on Model Instances

Storing Images on Model Instances

Working with FieldFile: Custom Storage Engines, Reading a Stored FieldFile, Storing Existing Files or Content in FileField, and Writing PIL Images to ImageField

Referring to Media in Templates

ModelForms and File Uploads

Topic 9: Sessions and Authentication



Middleware Modules

Implementing Authentication Views and Templates

Password Storage in Django

The Profile Page and the request.user Object

Authentication Decorators and Redirection

Enhancing Templates with Authentication Data

Sessions: The Session Engine, and Do You Need to Flag Cookie Content?

Pickle or JSON storage

Storing Data in Sessions

Topic 10: Advanced Django Admin and Customizations


Customizing the Admin Site

Discovering Admin Files in Django

Django's AdminSite Class

Overriding the Default

Customizing Admin Site Text Using AdminSite Attributes

Customizing Admin Site Templates

Adding Views to the Admin Site

Creating the View Function

Accessing Common Template Variables

Mapping URLs for the Custom View

Restricting Custom Views to the Admin Site

Passing Additional Keys to the Templates Using Template Variables

Topic 11: Advanced Templating and Class-Based Views


Template Filters

Custom Template Filters

Template Filters

Setting Up the Directory for Storing Template Filters

Setting Up the Template Library

Implementing the Custom Filter Function

Using Custom Filters inside Templates

String Filters

Template Tags

Types of Template Tags

Simple Tags

How to Create a Simple Template Tag: Setting Up the Directory, Setting Up the Template Library, Implementing a Simple Template Tag, Using Simple Tags inside Templates, and Passing the Template Context in a Custom Template Tag

Inclusion Tags: Implementing Inclusion Tags, and Using an Inclusion Tag inside a Template

Django Views

Class-Based Views

CRUD Operations with CBVs: Create View

Update View: Delete View

Read View

Topic 12: Building a REST API



Django REST Framework

Installation and Configuration

Functional API Views


Class-Based API Views and Generic Views

Model Serializers




Token-Based Authentication

Topic 13: Generating CSV, PDF, and Other Binary Files


Working with CSV Files

Working with Python's CSV Module

Reading Data from a CSV File

Writing to CSV Files Using Python

Working with Excel Files in Python

Binary File Formats for Data Exports

Working with XLSX Files Using the XlsxWriter Package: XLSX Files, The XlsxWriter Python Package, Creating a Workbook, Creating a Worksheet, Writing Data to the Worksheet, and Writing the Data to the Workbook

Working with PDF Files in Python

Converting Web Pages to PDFs

Playing with Graphs in Python

Generating Graphs with plotly: Setting Up a Figure, Generating a Plot, and Rendering a Plot on a Web Page

Integrating plotly with Django

Integrating Visualizations with Django

Topic 14: Testing


The Importance of Testing

Automation Testing

Testing in Django

Implementing Test Cases

Unit Testing in Django

Utilizing Assertions: Types of Assertions

Performing Pre-Test Setup and Cleanup after Every Test Case Run

Testing Django Models

Testing Django Views

Testing Views with Authentication

Django Request Factory

Testing Class-Based Views

Test Case Classes in Django




Modularizing Test Code

Topic 15: Django Third-Party Libraries


Environment Variables

django-configurations changes

Configuration from Environment Variables


The Django Debug Toolbar


The crispy Filter

The crispy Template Tag

django-allauth: django-allauth Installation and Setup, GitHub Auth Setup, and Google Auth Setup

Initiating Authentication with django-allauth: Other django-allauth Features

Topic 16: Using a Frontend JavaScript Library with Django


JavaScript Frameworks

JavaScript Introduction




JSX Properties

JavaScript Promises

fetch: The JavaScript map Method

The verbatim Template Tag

Front-end – Module III


  1. What is Markup Language
  2. Basic Structure of HTML
    Head Section and Elements
    4. Meta Tags
    5.External Link Tags
    6.HTML Structure Tag
    7. Create Table, Div and Frame Tag
    8. Content and Header Tags
    9.Paragraph, Span, Pre Tags
    10.Anchor Links and Named Anchors
    11. Object,Iframe and Image Tag
    12. Implementing iFrame in Realtime
    13. Working with Forms
    14.Form Tag and Attributes
    15. POST and GET Method
    16. Text Input, TextArea, Checkbox and Radio
    17. Password Field
    18. Select Option, Option Group
    19. File Field and Hidden Fields
    20. Submit, Reset, Image Buttons
    21. Relation between HTML Form and PHP
    22. XHTM
    23. What is XHTML
    24. Difference between HTML & XHTML
    25. XHTML Basics
    26. Introduction to Doc Types
    27. XHTML Validation
    28. HTML5 (Latest Version)
    29. Introduction to HTML5
    30. Whats new in HTML5
    31. HTML5 Apis
    32. HTML5 Semanticg Tag
    33. HTML5 Multimedia
    34. Search, Email and Url Tel Input


Cascading Style Sheets (CSS2 & CSS3)

  1. Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
    Types of Style Sheets
    3. Media Type
    4. Default CSS Properties
    5. Types of CSS Selectors
    6. Adjacent Sibling Selector
    7. Other Selectors
    8. CSS properties
    9. Background Properties
    10. Block Properties
    11. Box Model Properties
    12. List Properties
    13. Border Properties
    14. Positioning Properties
    15. CSS Optimization Tips
    16. CSS Compression
    17. (CSS 3.0 – Latest Version)
    18. Introduction to CSS 3
    19. Basic CSS3 Selectors
    20. Advanced CSS3 Selectors
    21. New CSS3 Properties
    22. CSS Rounded Corners
    23. Border Image
    24. Box and Text Shadow
    25. Multiple Backgrounds
    26. Background Origin
    27. Background Resize
    28. CSS Clip, Gradients, Opacity
    29. Transitions & Transform



  1. Introduction to Client Side Scripting
    2. Introduction to Java Script
    3. Javascript Types
    4. Variables in JS
    5. Operators in JS
    6. Conditions Statements
    7. Java Script Loops
    8. JS Popup Boxes
    9. JS Events
    10. JS Arrays
    11. Working with Arrays
    12. JS Objects
    13. JS Functions
    15. Validation of Forms
    16. Related Examples


T. Aditya

I recommend this course to anyone looking to get into programming or those looking to sharpen their skills. I had zero experience with python before the course and the instructor was both patient enough to work with me yet still love the course flowing for the more advanced members

H. Varsha

The course was very comprehensive and easy to understand. The instructors made sure that they are giving the information in a way that won't make me confused. Thank you so much for this great course!

F. Darshini

Invictus has improved my practical skill in programming due a lot of practices and guidance. Taking Python core and advanced has really helped me gain confidence to take over so many programming challenges.

I. Arya

I did my Python Training in Hyderabad at Invictus. The Python Training Programme was good. My Python Mentor at Invictus gave us an in-depth training of the Python programming language and its application. Overall a very good training platform for the Python course. I will recommend Invictus to my friends.

A. Isaac

My learning experience at Invictus’s Python Training Program was excellent. Well-structured Python Course modules with regular assessment sessions helped me to understand the language at ease. Thanks to my Python trainer, nice work Invictus!