Workshops :

1. Master The Python Interview 1-Day workshop Know More | 2.One Day Workshop - Python Project (Learn how to approach programming) Know More | 3. The Extraordinary Python Coder - Workshop Know More | 4. Artificial Intelligence for Everyone Know More | 5. Data Analytics for Solving Business Problems Know More | 6. Machine Learning for Predictive Analytics Know More

C Programming


New Batches Starts For Python Core Advanced Training From November

New Batches Starts For Python Core Advanced Training From November

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C Programming

Become a C Programmer Programme offers best-in-class training to the aspirants staring from the basic concepts to the advanced features of Procedure-Oriented  Programming. This programme is best fit to all passed-out graduates seeking for a  secured  job in IT industry. It allows the aspirants to get interview-ready, especially in clearing the initial rounds of written/face-to-face technical rounds. Again, the benefit of this programme is twofold: firstly, it allows the aspirants to develop their logical thinking, programming capabilities, and out-of-box thinking; secondly, it acts as foundation step to get into the world of Object-Oriented Programming. This Programme is critical in one’s journey of getting hired into the software industry, once they are out of campus.

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Weeks Duration
Hr/Week Therory
Hr/Week Lab
Students per Batch


Definition of Language
Need of a Language
Definition and need of a Programming Language
Generations of Programming Languages
A. Based on Interaction between Computer and its User
B. Based on the Programming and Execution Efficiency
Pros and Cons of Programming Languages – Generation by Generation
Low Level Languages Vs High Level Languages
Language Translators and Comparison
Where does C Language stand?
Basics of Flow Charts and Algorithms
Designing Flow Charts and Algorithms with examples
Concept of Pseudo Code with examples
History, Features and Applications of C Language
What is ANSI C?
C-Character Set
Statements and Expressions
Skeleton of a C Program
Rules to be followed to write C Statements & Programs
Basic Output Function and Cursor placing with examples

Concept of Token
Commenting the Code
Concept of Variable and Constant
Rules for naming Variables
Data Types and their Storage Limitations with examples
Declarations and Definitions of Variables
Basic Input Function using examples
Types of Statements
Concept of Expression
Result of Expressions
Type Modifiers
Simple Programs on Primary Data Types
Concept of Operators
Classification of Operators
A. With respect to the Type of Operations Performed
B. With respect to the Number of Operands Required
Masking using Bit-wise Operators
Precedence and Associativity of Operators

Concept of Statement Blocks

Program Control Flow and Programming Constructs
1. Sequential Structure with examples
2. Selection Structure with examples
A. If Family
i) Simple if
ii) if-else
iii) Nested if-else
iv) if-else Ladder
B. Switch/Case Structure with examples
3. Repetition Structure with examples
i) while
ii) do-while
iii) for
Using Break and Continue Keywords with examples
Common Pitfalls and Tipsto use Programming Constructs
goto and Labels with examples
Programs using multiple Programming Constructs
Design and Development of Menu Driven Programs
Programs to Improve Logical Thinking
A. Generation and Summation of various number series
B. Generation of various display pattern using alphabets, numbers, and special characters

Function Definition and its usage
Need for Functions
Basics of Functions
C Programming
Course Contents
Advantages of Functions with examples
Scope Rules and Blocks with examples
Calling and Called Functions
Function Calling statement
Prototyping and its Necessity with examples
Returning from a Function with examples
Functions Returning Non-integers with examples
Passing Parameters to Functions with examples
Call by Value with examples
Limitation of Call by value
Call by Reference with examples
Advantages of Call by Reference with examples
Storage Classes: auto, register, static and extern with examples
External Variables and their usage with examples
Recursion and its visualization with examples
Stack View of Function Calls with examples

Array Definition and its usage

Advantages of using Arrays

Concept of Subscript

A. Array Declaration
B. Array Initialization
C. Array Storage Map
D. Accessing Elementsfrom an Array

Linear search
Binary search
Selection sort
Bubble Sort
Insertion Sort
Multi-Dimensional Arrays with examples
A. Array Declaration
B. Array Initialization
C. Array Storage Map
D. Accessing Elementsfrom an Array
Character Arrays(Strings) with examples
A) Built-in String Functions and User defined Functions
B) Multi-Dimensional Strings with Examples
More interesting programs on Arrays

Single-Dimensional Arrays with examples


Structure Definition and its usage
Basics and Applications of Structures

Difference between Structure Elements and Variables
Initialization of a Structure Variable
Accessing Structure Elements using DOT Operator
Memory Map of a Structure
Copying of Structure Variables
Concept of Array of Structures with examples
Functions and Structures with examples
Pointers to Structures with examples
Dynamic Memory Allocation of Structure
Using typedef Statements
Unions – Concept and its Need to have
Differences between Structures and Unions
Memory Allocation of a Union
Anonymous Structures with examples
Anonymous Unions with examples
Nested Structures with examples
Nested Unions with examples
Bit-fields: Advantages and Limitations
Refining Menu Driven Programsfor ease of maintenance
Using Bit-fieldsin Menu Driven Programsfor efficient memory utilization

Pointer Definition and its usage

Advantages with Pointers

Types of Pointers and their respective size

Void Pointers with examples
Pointer Arithmetic
Pointersto Basic Data Types
Pointers to Arrays
Pointers to Strings
Pointersto Structures
Pointers to Unions
Pointers as Function Arguments
Character Pointers and Functions
Array of Pointers
Initialization of Pointer Arrays
Passing an Array to a Function
Pointers to Pointers
Pointers Vs Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Understanding the Prototypes of Built-in functions
Developing and using your own versions of Built-in functions

Concept of Dynamic Memory Allocation and its need
Static Memory Allocation Vs Dynamic Memory Allocation
Mechanism of Allocating Memory dynamically using malloc()
Mechanism of Allocating Memory dynamically using calloc()
Difference between malloc () and calloc()
Re-sizing the allocated memory – realloc()
Releasing the allocated memory – free()
Memory Allocation for Single Dimensional Arrays
Memory Allocation for Double Dimensional Arrays
Memory Allocation for Multi-Dimensional Arrays
Memory Allocation for Structures
Memory Allocation for Array of Structures
Memory Allocation for Unions
Memory Allocation for Array of Unions
Introduction to Self-Referential Structures

Definition of Files and usage
FILE Structure Definition
Formatted Input andOutput
Special characterslike NULL, EOF etc.

File Opening Modes

Reading & Writing from/to files with examples
Character based Input and Output with examples
Line based Input and Output with examples
Text mode Vs Binary mode Operations
Low Level I/O - Read and Write with examples
Structure based Input and Output with examples
Random Access of File Contents
sprint() and sscanf() Functions
File I/O Status Enquiries
Removing and Renaming Files
Creating Database using File Concept
Error Reporting during File Operations
Passing Parameters to main()
Command-Line Arguments with examples


The C Pre-processor
The Pre-processing Output
MACRODefinition and Substitution
Function-like Macros
MACROs with Parameters
Functions Vs Macros

Evaluation of MACROs – A Word of Caution
File Inclusion: #include
Conditional Compilation: #if
The Preprocessor Directives: #define

User defined Header Files and Projects
Variable Number of Argumentsto Functions
Command Execution
Random Number Generation
Lexical Conventions
Syntax Notation
Meaning of Identifiers
Lvalues and Rvalues
Data Conversions
Expressions revisited
Declarations and Statementsrevisited
External Declarations of Variables and Functions
Scope and Linkage
Symbolic Constants
Standard Libraries
Error Handling Mechanism
Utility Function: assert
Implementation-Specific Limits and Tipsto Overcome


T. Aditya

I recommend this course to anyone looking to get into programming or those looking to sharpen their skills. I had zero experience with python before the course and the instructor was both patient enough to work with me yet still love the course flowing for the more advanced members

H. Varsha

The course was very comprehensive and easy to understand. The instructors made sure that they are giving the information in a way that won't make me confused. Thank you so much for this great course!

F. Darshini

Invictus has improved my practical skill in programming due a lot of practices and guidance. Taking Python core and advanced has really helped me gain confidence to take over so many programming challenges.

I. Arya

I did my Python Training in Hyderabad at Invictus. The Python Training Programme was good. My Python Mentor at Invictus gave us an in-depth training of the Python programming language and its application. Overall a very good training platform for the Python course. I will recommend Invictus to my friends.

A. Isaac

My learning experience at Invictus’s Python Training Program was excellent. Well-structured Python Course modules with regular assessment sessions helped me to understand the language at ease. Thanks to my Python trainer, nice work Invictus!